Join with us in Charity For Humanity
Lets support the vulnerable seniors in the community by providing them with food, sugar, soap, mattresses and other essential needs.
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Mathew 25:35 For I was hungry you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink. 36 I was naked and you clothed me.
With your support we can have books, pencils, pens, uniforms and go to school.
support the meddical assistance given to the poor of the poorest in the community.
Donate to reach out with food to the needy, we give rice, posho, beans. Bless them with food and save them from hunger.
With your support we can have books, pencils, pens, uniforms and go to school.
support the meddical assistance given to the poor of the poorest in the community.
Donate to reach out with food to the needy, we give rice, posho, beans. Bless them with food and save them from hunger.
With your support we can have books, pencils, pens, uniforms and go to school.
support the meddical assistance given to the poor of the poorest in the community.
Donate to reach out with food to the needy, we give rice, posho, beans. Bless them with food and save them from hunger.
Transforming the community, helping them to live a Christ centered life, giving parental love to vulnerables and Loving the Loveless as Christ Loved the church.
The Lord has touched us to touch others, changed us to change others, fed us to feed others, sheltered us to shelter others, saved us to save others, given us work beyond working for a living, but for a giving. Now is the time to reach out for the Lord’s Outcry. Let’s partner in the great commission, to touch, give hope, change and impact lives towards the values of Christ Jesus.